Visiting a church can be like going on a blind date - there’s great potential, but there are also lots of unknowns. We hope the information below will minimize the unknowns for your first visit to Willow Bend.

You will not be expected to be someone that you are not. We are all flawed and human. You will not be judged at Willow Bend.

It is our desire that you get the most from your worship experience by offering great music, inspiring messages, a family atmosphere and friendly people. We know that the first time at any church brings up many questions like: How do I get there… what should I wear… what is available for my kids… what should I expect in the service itself? Here is a quick look at what you can expect:

How Do I Get There?

We are located at 2541 Henley Road, 1 mile west of US 41 and 3.5 miles east of the Suncoast Parkway, just 70 feet south of State Road 54.



There’s plenty of it. Typically the parking in the front of the building, just to your right as you pull onto the grounds is reserved just for you, however if that is full we have ample parking as you drive past the building and the playground.

What Should I wear?

The dress is typically casual at Willow Bend. Feel free to come as you are or to wear your very best, either way, we will love you the same!

Walking iN:

You’ll be greeted warmly by some friendly people. These “greeters”, as we call them, will hand you a bulletin and direct you to the sanctuary. If you have children, they will show you the Children’s Church area. If your child is shy, feel free to keep them with you in the adult service.

Our ServiceS:

Our services begin on time and usually lasts for about 60 minutes. We have praise and worship for 20-30 minutes, followed by a time of prayer, and then a relevant message from Pastor Geoff that you will immediately be able to apply in your everyday life. We do not ask you to stand up or to remain seated while everyone else is standing as a first time guest. We want you to know you are welcome but do not want to risk embarrassing you or making you feel uncomfortable.

What is Available for My Kids? (Nursery - 5th Grade)

Quality children’s programs are offered during the services on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Our Children’s Ministry area, which includes the Nursery and the Train Station Kids Ministry (Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he won’t depart from it.”), is located to the left of the main entrance.

The children stay in the main service during the music and then are called up front for prayer over them. They are then dismissed to the Children’s Church. Because your kids’ safety is of utmost concern to us, all workers are trained and cleared through a local and federal background check.

What is available for My Teens? (6th - 12th Grade)

The Refuge Youth Ministry (Middle & High School Students) meets on Sunday Mornings from 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM and Wednesday Nights from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM for their own time of dynamic worship and teaching.